High Ticket Dropshipping in 2024: The Ultimate Guide to Success

Most people start this journey by exploring cheap products on AliExpress or looking into becoming Amazon sellers. A lot of people think that’s a great business – for us, not so much.

It’s all about high ticket dropshipping: selling items with a price point of $800 and up.

In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of high ticket dropshipping, including how it works, and how it differs from other dropshipping models.

what is high ticket dropshipping?

What Is High Ticket Dropshipping?

Let’s get the basics out of the way.

Dropshipping is a type of Ecommerce business with a different way of fulfilling orders for your customers. You don’t actually hold any inventory. Instead, when a customer places an order, you purchase the product from a supplier, who then ships it directly to the customer.

Here’s what we’re going to cover in this ultimate guide to high ticket dropshipping:

Table of Contents

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how to start a high ticket dropshipping business.

Want to start your own high ticket dropshipping business?

Watch this FREE, on-demand training session that will uncover the exact steps you need to take to launch your first high ticket dropshipping business in the next 30 days.

Understanding Your Target Market

High ticket dropshipping is a whole different ball game than traditional dropshipping. With bigger price tags come higher customer expectations and a more discerning target market. That’s why truly understanding your target audience is the foundation of success in the high ticket game.

Before you even think about products, you need to know who you’re selling to. It all starts with dropshipping market research.

It’s a process of narrowing down from a broad market to a specific group of people you aim to serve. Think enthusiast markets with passionate communities around a shared interest. 

Why? Because the people in these communities search, discuss, compare, and purchase specific products online. You can build your entire business on a strategy of tapping into existing demand. But only if you truly understand your audience.

Get inside the heads of your potential customers:

  • Who are they? 
  • What are their interests and problems? 
  • What motivates them?
  • What challenges do they face?
  • What do they frequently buy? 
  • What do they value most when making a high ticket purchase?

Gather these insights by spending time where your potential customers hang out online – forums, social media groups, and review sites are all information goldmines.

Once you’ve gathered all this data, it’s time to create buyer personas. These are fictional profiles that represent individuals in your target audience. Give each persona a name, face, and detailed backstory that includes their demographics, interests, pain points, and purchasing preferences.

The more detailed and data-driven your buyer personas are, the better equipped you’ll be to customize every aspect of your high ticket dropshipping business to appeal directly to your target audience. Optimize everything for your ideal customer, from the products you offer to how you write your product descriptions.

Keep in mind that understanding your target market isn’t a once-and-done task. As you launch your store and start making sales, continue to gather feedback and data from your actual customers. Use this information to refine your buyer personas and continuously improve your offerings.

We help with all this and more in our free training, check it out now!

Selecting High Ticket Niches and Products

Now that you understand your target market, it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty of selecting high ticket niches and products. The key is to find that sweet spot: niches with high demand, low competition, and great profit margins.

How do you uncover these golden opportunities? First up, let Google Trends be your best friend. This free tool allows you to compare the popularity of different search terms over time. Plug in keywords related to potential niches and products, and note which ones are on the rise. A steady upward trend is a good sign that demand is growing.

Review your market research to ensure you have a complete picture of your target audience, and how it aligns with the niches and products you’re considering. Ask yourself, “Is this something people actually want and need?”

Once you’ve identified a few potential niches, research your potential competitors and see what high ticket products are selling well, and read customer reviews to identify pain points you could address. Use keyword research tools to gauge search volume and get a sense of what people are actively looking for. 

As you evaluate potential products, keep a close eye on profit margins. Remember, you’re looking to sell high ticket items, which means product prices (for your customers) of $800 and up.

Finally, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Some of the most successful high ticket dropshipping niches cater to specific, passionate audiences. From luxury pet accessories to high-end outdoor gear, the possibilities are endless.

Looking for examples? We provide some ideas for hot high ticket dropshipping niches in one of our previous articles – but don’t just copy those suggestions! Use them for inspiration and look for your own profitable high ticket niche and products.

Building Your High Ticket Dropshipping Store

Got your dropshipping product ideas? Great! Now you’re ready to start your Ecommerce business.

Check this out before you ruin your budget by spending on things you don’t need or run away due to mounting costs. Here’s all you need to do to get your business up and running. You can start dropshipping for less than $500. (Seriously!)

1. Get a domain name

Your website is going to be the foundation of your Ecommerce business. And it’s not that expensive to get one. First, you need to see if the name you want is available, which you can do here

When you find the domain you want (that’s available), you’ll want to buy and then register it. We like Namecheap (it’s really easy for domain registration). 

NameCheap screenshot

2. Host your store on Shopify

There are other options out there, but we recommend Shopify hands-down. It’s the best Ecommerce platform available today, and it’s affordable. 

Read our guide: How to dropship on Shopify

3. Pick your Shopify theme

Once you’re set up on Shopify, choose a theme for your store. Remember, this is part of your business’s foundation, so you want to make sure everything looks good and is user-friendly.

You can choose from free and paid themes. The choice is yours, but you don’t have to pay for one to get your store up and running.

We recommend Superstore from Out of the Sandbox. Oh, and if you join our course, we’ll give you Superstore for free!

Superstore theme

4. Create a business email

Your contact information is part of what people first see when they come across your business. You want to have a professional email address. Google makes this process easy, and you can set it up with the URL you purchased.

Google Business screenshot

5. Get a business phone number

Again, you want people to immediately see your business as professional and trustworthy. A business phone number is part of that, and you’ll need it for customer service. Try out Grasshopper or see if there are other free companies that can help you set up a 1-800 number.

GrassHopper screenshot

6. Brand, Brand, Brand…

Now the fun part! You need a logo – something people will see and associate with your business. You can get this done on Fiverr for a reasonable price.

Taking our approach gets you up and running without spending a lot right out of the gate.

But now that you have a business and a simple Ecommerce website, you can start setting it up to convert visitors into customers.

7. Creating a Website That Converts

Your website is your first impression on potential customers – make it count.

  • Choose a design that’s clean and easy to navigate 
  • Use high-quality images
  • Write clear, concise product descriptions – don’t just copy from your supplier!
  • Make it easy to find shipping & contact information

You should also optimize your website for search engines by including relevant keywords in your product descriptions and titles. This will help your website rank higher in search results and drive more traffic to your online store.

But it’s not just about getting people to your site – it’s about guiding them smoothly through the entire customer journey. Every touchpoint matters from the moment they land on your homepage to the post-purchase follow-up. 

Streamline your navigation so customers can easily find what they’re looking for. Use clear calls to action to nudge them along the path to purchase. And when they’re ready to buy, ensure your checkout process is fast, secure, and frictionless. The fewer hoops customers have to jump through, the less likely they are to abandon their cart.

Learn more about building your high ticket dropshipping store in our free training!

Marketing and Advertising Your High Ticket Products

Remember, as we said earlier – you’re not creating demand, you’re tapping into an existing demand for your target market. So all you have to do is find the people looking for it.

Many people will tell you to use interruptive strategies like Facebook or Instagram ads, but that’s a waste of money (and annoying). They can be costly and have mixed results.

Here’s what we know works.

Google Ads

Google Ads is one of the most popular pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms, which allows you to create and display ads on Google’s search engine results pages and its partner websites and apps. 

Google ads are an effective way to:

  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Increase your visibility
  • Generate leads and sales

Google Ads can be a powerful tool for promoting your high ticket products, with a massive audience of potential customers actively searching for similar products.


SEO for dropshipping is one of the most, if not THE most, effective strategies to market your business.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website and content to rank higher on search engine results pages and drive organic traffic to your website. 

This strategy includes creating blog content to answer questions your potential customers are asking about your niche.

Email Marketing

Once you have people interested, you need to maintain that interest. Email marketing is a great tool for:

  • Building relationships with your customers
  • Promoting your high ticket products
  • Nurturing leads

You can send targeted and personalized emails to subscribers, increase engagement, loyalty, and sales and stay top-of-mind with your audience.

You can also measure results and optimize your strategy for better performance.

Challenges of High Ticket Dropshipping

As with any business, selling high ticket items in dropshipping comes with its own unique set of challenges. While the potential for high profits is enticing, you must be aware of the obstacles you may face.

Dealing with Returns and Chargebacks

Since the price of the products is much higher in a high ticket store compared to low ticket dropshipping, returns and chargebacks can be much more costly. It’s essential to have a clear and concise return policy in place, as well as a plan for handling chargebacks.

However, this is much less of an issue since it’s less likely your product was bought impulsively. You also have the advantage of using local suppliers so the quality has been checked and the delivery times are within reason.

Higher Supplier Costs

To maintain a healthy profit margin, you must carefully evaluate and negotiate with suppliers to ensure you’re getting the best possible price for the products.

Remember that even with higher supplier costs, the profit margins in high ticket dropshipping can still be very lucrative. With the right products, marketing strategy, and supplier relationships, it’s possible to build a successful and profitable high ticket business.

Managing Your High Ticket Items & Customer Service for Your Dropshipping Business

This is a huge area that often gets overlooked – especially by people who think low ticket dropshipping is the easier, less expensive option.

Customer Service and Support

If you understand business, you know that your customers are the lifeblood of it, and their satisfaction is critical to your success. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide excellent customer service and support.

This means being available to answer customer inquiries and concerns promptly and professionally. You should also have clear policies regarding:

  • Shipping times
  • Exchanges
  • Returns

You’ll also want a user-friendly website that makes it easy for customers to find what they need.

Most types of dropshipping rely on cheaply made imported goods. This can create more issues with quality, long shipping times, and unhappy customers. In short, customer service nightmares that you can’t really control.

That’s one of the reasons we think selling high ticket dropshipping items is the best Ecommerce business model – fewer returns and happier customers.

Why? If you follow our model, you’ll be using brands you’ve heard of, not random suppliers from overseas, and local suppliers who adhere to all quality control standards in your country. 

On top of that, shipping times will be shorter because the products are already near your customers.

Handling Returns and Refunds

Returns and refunds are inevitable in any retail business. But with high ticket dropshipping products, they’re easier to manage.

Your customers are researching and seeking out your product. It’s not like clothing that might be returned due to size or cheaper items that break.

However, it’s still important to have a transparent and fair return and refund policy in place to avoid disputes and legal problems.

Handling returns and refunds promptly and professionally is essential – this will help build trust with your customers and increase the chances of repeat business. 

Inventory Management

While you may not physically handle inventory, keeping track of inventory levels and product availability is still a priority. This helps you avoid overselling and causing backorders – which can damage your brand and customer relationships.

We recommend staying in constant content with your suppliers and asking for updates weekly as a standard operating procedure.

Outsourcing (Delegating & Managing)

Doing everything yourself works fine for a while – but it’s a recipe for stress and burnout, especially if your business scales rapidly.

Outsourcing allows you to delegate specific tasks and responsibilities to others and free up your time to focus on growth and strategy. Plus, you can access people with different skills than you – they can take care of the tasks you hate doing (or suck at!).

You can outsource tasks to reliable and skilled professionals, such as:

  • Social media management
  • Customer service
  • Product uploads
  • Content creation

However, it’s important to effectively manage and communicate with outsourced team members to ensure that your brand and customer experience remain consistent and high-quality.

Scaling Your High Ticket Dropshipping Business

So, you’ve set up your high ticket dropshipping store and started marketing. Things are picking up steam. But now you’re wondering, what’s next?

You’re probably curious about how much the average dropshipper makes in a month. 

Can I make $1000 a month with dropshipping? 

The answer is definitely yes!

It’ll take you some time to set up your Ecommerce store, select the right high ticket items, and get the word out about your business using effective marketing strategies. But if you work hard and stay focused, $1,000 a month is a lot more possible with high ticket dropshipping than traditional dropshipping.

But the truth is that how much you can make dropshipping varies widely. Some dropshippers make a few hundred bucks a month, while others earn six figures. And the best part? You can make enough money to give you the time and freedom you crave.

In fact, some top-tier dropshippers are making upwards of $100,000 per month. That’s the beauty of high ticket dropshipping. With premium products and bigger profit margins, the income potential is much higher than with traditional low ticket items.

Want some inspiration? Are you wondering, “What’s the highest income for dropshipping?” 

We’ve got case studies of successful dropshippers who have taken their businesses to incredible heights. These folks prove that with the right approach and hard work, the sky’s the limit in the world of high ticket dropshipping.

But how do you get from where you are now to those eye-popping income levels? You’ll need to focus on scaling your business.

Let’s explore some actionable strategies for growing your business and starting to achieve those impressive income goals.

Streamlining Processes

As your business grows, you’ll need to be able to handle more orders, customer inquiries, and other tasks. Streamlining your processes can reduce the time and effort required to handle these tasks, allowing you to focus on growth.

Becoming a Topical Authority in Your Industry

To successfully scale your high ticket dropshipping business, you need to establish yourself as an expert in your industry. You can achieve this by creating content that provides value to your customers and positions you as a topical authority.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical! (That’s why it’s in here twice!)

Optimizing your website and content for search engines increases your visibility in search results and attracts more organic traffic to your site. This can lead to increased sales and revenue.

Hiring Employees

You may need to hire employees to help you manage the increased workload as your business grows. This can be challenging, but it’s essential to ensure that your business can handle the demands of growth. 

Hiring the right people and effectively delegating tasks can free up your time so you can focus on strategic growth initiatives.

Selling Your Dropshipping Business

Most people who start a business want it to do well, live on the income, and keep building it. But did you know when you have a dropshipping business that’s doing really well, you can sell it? You’re building an incredibly valuable asset.

In fact, you can sell your high ticket dropshipping business for 2-4x the average yearly profit. That’s some serious cash, and a great reason to scale your business.

Likewise, you can buy a pre-built dropshipping business, though we advise caution around such an investment.

Tips for Success in High Ticket Dropshipping

To succeed in selling high ticket items with dropshipping, you need more than just a good product and a functional website. You need to have the following:

  • A deep understanding of your target audience
  • Excellent customer service
  • Tenacity to show up every day and not quit – businesses may fail, but entrepreneurs don’t unless they quit

One of the keys to success in high ticket dropshipping is to focus on high-quality products that are local to you.

This allows you to develop a strong relationship with local suppliers, resulting in faster shipping times, better communication, and lower shipping costs.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service is crucial for building customer trust and loyalty, including:

  • Going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction
  • Handling returns and refunds efficiently
  • Responding to inquiries promptly

Love Your Customer

You need to care more about the person behind the screen than your products. 

High ticket dropshipping is all about building relationships with your customers. By showing genuine care and concern for the person behind the screen, you can create a loyal customer base that will continue to support your business for years to come.

Continuously Optimize Your Business

Ecommerce is constantly changing, so staying current on the latest trends and technologies is essential. 

This means:

Stay Up to Date on Industry Trends

To succeed in any business, including high ticket dropshipping, you need to stay current on the latest industry trends and developments. 

This includes:

  • Engaging with industry experts through social media and online forums
  • Attending trade shows and conferences
  • Monitoring competitors

Common High Ticket Dropshipping Myths Debunked

High ticket dropshipping is a popular business model that has been gaining a lot of attention lately. However, like any industry, it has many misconceptions associated with it.


It’s Expensive to Start (Wrong)

Despite what many people think, starting a high ticket dropshipping business doesn’t require a considerable upfront investment. One of the biggest pros to high ticket dropshipping is you can get started with less than $500. 

You Need to Be a Marketing Expert (Nope)

While having some knowledge of marketing is an advantage, you don’t have to be a pro to succeed in high ticket dropshipping. 

Plenty of online resources are available to help you develop your marketing skills, and you can always outsource certain tasks to professionals if you need to. What’s more important is focusing on providing excellent customer service and offering high-quality products.

It’s Too Risky (If You Don’t Plan for Risk)

Like any business, high ticket dropshipping has risks. However, these risks can be minimized with careful planning, research, and execution. 

One way to reduce risk is to work with reliable suppliers and build strong relationships with them. Another way is to continuously optimize your business and adapt to changing market conditions. 

With the right approach, high ticket dropshipping can be a profitable and sustainable business model.

So Is High Ticket Dropshipping Right for You?

Compared to low ticket dropshipping, high ticket dropshipping is a proven business model. One that we’ve used ourselves, as well as hundreds of our students, to build multiple Ecommerce sites.

By following the steps outlined in this ultimate guide, you can start a successful high ticket dropshipping business and turn it into a sustainable source of income.

This dropshipping guide will answer many of the questions and doubts you might have about high ticket dropshipping. 

Watch this on-demand training session (for FREE) detailing the steps you need to take to get your high ticket dropshipping business up and running in just 30 days!

how to start a high ticket dropshipping business.

Want to start your own high ticket dropshipping business?

Watch this FREE, on-demand training session that will uncover the exact steps you need to take to launch your first high ticket dropshipping business in the next 30 days.

Jon Warren about me

Article by Jon Warren 

Jon Warren started his first high-ticket dropshipping business 10 years ago and hasn’t looked back.
  • Helped 900+ entrepreneurs build, launch and grow high ticket dropshipping businesses through Dropship Breakthru. 
  • Started 3 high-ticket dropshipping businesses that reached 7 figures per year in revenue + 1 that reached 8 figures.
  • Managed marketing for his and his clients’ businesses that has produced 117,000 high-ticket purchases for an estimated value of $120.5M

© Dropship Breakthru 2024
